Crutionix and The Potato Farm team would like to thank you all for giving TBP: Origins a shot over the past 10 months. TBP: Origins was an experimental shift for TBP, with most of our players being used to a mostly vanilla experience. Whilst issues arose during the launch and beyond, we’re incredibly proud of the way Origins performed and we’re grateful that you all took the time and faith to give modded TBP a chance.
Similar to TBP: Skyblock, Origins was an experimental season that wasn’t intended to join the likes of TBP Seasons 1 through 3. We had anticipated that Origins would serve as an intermediary season between season 3 and 4. We were anticipating that we would start Season 4 much earlier, however, with the general landscape of The Potato Farm community and the general feeling towards Minecraft, we did not feel any need to push a fourth season at this time.
Unfortunately for some of you, TBP: Origins has certainly run it’s course. It is with this in mind that we announce that we are going to sunset TBP: Origins. You will have until September 30th 2023 to log on, take screenshots, finish any builds that are unfinished, tie up your loose ends and log off for the final time. As of 11:59pm on September 30th, the gates of TBP will close once more.